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Mark Albert

Buckeye Horizon

Member Since 1999

About the Business

Home of nice people, fair prices and prompt service!

Full Service plumbing, heating, and air conditioning company for residential, commercial, and industrial clients.

Top Services

Ideal Partners

"MRA is one of our best sources for new customer development.”

“I have been a member since 1999 and have seen this group grow tremendously over the years. The value that this group provides is unmeasurable in many ways. The relationships I have built over the years will last a long time. Having the resources to be able to confidently refer another member to friends and associates and to know they will be taken care make it easy to refer. Over the years I have received so many referrals and gained lots of new customers. MRA is one of our best sources for new customer development.”

Mark Albert
Buckeye Horizon
Copyright 2022 I Mansfield Referral Association